Kine Mainnet Launch On 24th March
After few days of analysing on the Kovna test data and user feedback, we are now proudly annnounce that, Kine's Ethererum Mainnet launch starts on 24th March! Major functionalities will be up in a gradually manner, here is the detailed schedule:
- At UTC 6 AM 24th March, Staking, user will be able to stake WBTC, ETH, USDC, USDT and mint kUSD, gain KINE rewards
- Same time, LP Mining, user can start to add assets to ETH-KINE, ETH-kUSD, USDT-kUSD Uniswap liquidity pool and earn KINE rewards
- Shortly after DApp's launch, Kine Exchange beta version opens, users are welcome to start to trade and claim airdrop rewards if eligible.